Parking Survey Results CHNA 2023

Survey Summary

The Crescent Heights Neighborhood Association (CHNA) conducted a survey to determine if residents had concerns about street parking near their home and if they supported implementing Residential Parking Permits (RPPs) in the neighborhood. The survey was initiated to provide feedback and information to our City Council Member.

There were 180 responses out of 510 emails sent for a 35.6% response rate. Sixty two percent (62%) of all respondents indicated that parking IS NOT a “major concern” on the street near their home. A slightly larger number of respondents, 66%, indicated that they DO NOT support implementing Residential Parking Permits (RPPs) in the neighborhood.

When looking closer at the data, respondents who live within one block of 4th St N or MLK, Jr. St. N. were more likely to indicate that parking IS a “major concern” on the street near their home.

However, 56% of these same respondents still DO NOT support implementing RPPs in the neighborhood. The overwhelming concern with implementing RPPs noted by all respondents was over how guests would park, with 70% selecting this as one of their concerns.

Submitted by:
Savlador Valles, President
Crescent Heights Neighborhood Association
August 15, 2023

Survey Results

Thank you to Brian Merrill for getting the survey set up and posting it online and to Laura Lorenzen for preparing the emails that went out to everyone.

The survey was open from 9:15 am Monday, July 24, 2023 to 5:00 pm Wednesday, August 2, 2023.

The survey was sent to the 510 opt in email addresses maintained by the association. These email addresses are used to keep those who have opted in updated on association and city government news, including association events.

The survey received a total of 180 responses out of the 510 emails sent to the association’s email list. This is a 35% response rate.

 A majority of the 180 respondents (58%) have at least one person in the household who parks a vehicle on the street.

Of all 180 respondents, 38% indicated that parking on the street near their home IS a “major concern”, with 62% indicated it IS NOT a “major concern”.

For the 38% who indicated that parking IS a “major concern”, the main concern was related to customer and employee parking due to nearby businesses. See section 15 page 8 for comments in response to this question.

  • Too many cars park on my street 44% 44% 44%
  • Me and/or my guests cannot find parking near my home 49% 49%
  • Too many cars from customers visiting nearby businesses and/or employees working at nearby businesses park on my street. 68% 68%

When considering only respondents who indicated that they live within one block of 4th St N or MLK, Jr St N., 61% indicated that parking on their street IS a “major concern”, with 39% indicating it IS NOT a “major concern”. This result was almost the exact reverse result on the question of whether parking was a “major concern” for the neighborhood as a whole.

Almost the exact opposite results were found for those who indicated they live MORE than one block from either 4th St N or MLK, Jr. St N with 61% indicated that parking IS NOT a “major concern”.
Of all respondents, 66% DO NOT support implementation of RPPs.
Fifty six percent (56%) of respondents who indicated they live within one block of 4th St N or one block of MLK, Jr. St N DO NOT support RPPs.

A further break down shows that 61% of respondents who live within one block of MLK, Jr. St N and 52% of respondents who live within one block of 4th St N DO NOT support RPPs. The closer a respondent is to commercial businesses, the more likely they are to be concerned about parking, although this DID NOT translate into the same level of support for implementing RPPs. See the following two charts.

The concern most often cited by all respondents about the implementation of RPPs was about how guests would park, with 75% of all respondents selecting this as a concern. This was true for respondents whether they supported RPPs or not.

Primary concerns expressed about implementing Residential Parking Permits (RPPs)
Of ALL 180 Respondents

  • Sounds like a hassle 56% 56%
  • I would have to pay for permits to park on my own street. 56% 56%
  • Worried about how my guests would park. 49% 49%
  • I believe anyone should be able to park on the street in front of my house. 28 28% 28%

For those who DO NOT support RPPs an even larger majority of 80% selected how guests would park as a concern; and 70% of these respondents also indicated that RPPs sounded like a “hassle” and that if implemented they would have “to pay for permits to park on my own street”.

Primary concerns expressed about implementing Residential Parking Permits (RPPs)
Of the118 Respondents Who Also Said they DO NOT Support RPPs

  • Sounds like a hassle 70% 70%
  • I would have to pay for permits to park on my own street. 70% 70%
  • Worried about how my guests would park. 80% 80%
  • I believe anyone should be able to park on the street in front of my house. 28 35% 35%
For those who DO support RPPs, there was less concern about RPPs being a “hassle” (27%) or about having to pay for “permits to park on my own street” (27%).

Primary concerns expressed about implementing Residential Parking Permits (RPPs)
Of All 62 Respondents Who Also Said they DO Support RPPs

  • Sounds like a hassle 27% 27%
  • I would have to pay for permits to park on my own street. 27% 27%
  • Worried about how my guests would park. 66% 66%
  • I believe anyone should be able to park on the street in front of my house. 15% 15%

Survey Comments

All comments are included regardless of whether they are related to survey or not.

As part of the question asking “Is parking on your street near your home a major concern for you?, respondents were provided a list of options. See secction 6, page 3 for a list of issues selected. Respondents were also asked to “Please add any issues that may not be listed”. The following are the issues/comments provided. All comments are included regardless of whether they are related to the survey or not.

I understand that not everyone has a driveway and often residents, their guests, vendors have to park on the street. That is fine! We all share these streets.

However, when residents have construction type vehicles on these streets for a very long time- it gets a bit concerning and frustrating. One example: there is a big open trailer parked on 8th Street that has been there for quite a long time. I see this house is under construction and I know trailers like these are needed for a little bit. But this trailer is full (and has been full for quite a bit) and blocking multiple spaces on the street in addition to often causing nerve-wracking sight issues when driving past (if other cars are also coming from the other direction).

Construction is needed – I get that but it would be great for this trailer to be moved until it’s really being actively used again.

People parking boats that do not live in the neighborhood in front of my house.

Street cleaner can never clean entire street due to too many parked cars.

Large landscape trailers and construction workers are always parking on my street. Leaving no room for me.

The commercial businesses parking needs seems to be adequate to keep customers cars off of 27th Ave at the end of 9th Street.

We can only park on one side of the road on my street. I have 3 young children, and I have to cross the street with them to get them into and out of the car. It’s so dangerous. Drives me crazy.

Bar folks park in our spaces

Abandoned vehicles and boats seem to sit for weeks

TJ [Trader Joe’s] employee parking is an issue

I live near a corner. When 24th Ave. is full, I can park on 5th St. It is more of an issue when I have friends or the plumber, etc. come.

Due to street widths and emergency vehicle requirements, some neighborhood streets properly have NO PARKING signs posted on the north side of the avenues. Parts of these same avenues that should be posted are not, making it impossible for traffic to pass each other on those stretches. Parking behind residences off of Alleys should be encouraged. Any increase in density should include adequate   additional parking on the property.

Street with no sidewalk is small as when a car is parked there, pedestrians and moving cars are in the
same space. 5th St between 24th Ave and 25th Ave. Sidewalks should be added, or no parking allowed.
Cars can be 3-4 days parked in front of my house, not moved all this time. On thrash collection and
recycling days, the bins are found in the middle of the street, since the number of parked cars on the south side will not allow the truck to collect the contents if placed on the sidewalks.

I have parking for myself behind my house and a garage. The street is usually very parked out, though.
Parking isn’t a major issue on my street, although there are a lot of houses that park two cars on the street
regularly, when maybe one car would be a little better for guests, etc.

The Trader Joe’s employees’ park on the street. They park closest to the store thus leaving no parking for
the residents. It’s not completely the over flow of business. It also people use their garages as storage

I live on 22nd Ave north facing the lake The two streets behind me get slammed as Papa John’s cutting
through and employees of multiple businesses from 4th St park in those side streets.
We have signs on the north side of 29th Ave N saying there is no parking on the north side of the street.

Many cars and trucks violate this and cause backups as no one can get thru.

We live on 23rd between 4th and 5th. JWaggs is at the corner. The only time we have trouble parking is
when the bar is busy and patrons take the whole street.

I have seen a car that basically is abandoned for weeks sometimes at my block, sometimes in another
block. That is the only time I get bother.

Parking should not be permitted on both sides of the streets.

Parking on the street is only a concern during business hours.

Sometimes. Because of the additional garage units being built, parking is sometimes more difficult but not yet a huge concern.

Employees at Trader Joe’s park in front of our house and all up the street. Some are there all day. Some
have blocked our driveway and we have to confront them to move, or struggle to get in/out of the driveway because they’re gone. Several times we had to go to the store manager to find out whose car it is to have it removed. We haven’t called the police on anyone yet, but will do so from now on.

We live by Trader Joe’s and all their employees park in front of and on the side of our home. I have asked
them to please not park where our cars are.

I live close to Trader Joe’s and I can never find a parking for my car anytime during the day.

Dangerous intersection- stop sign @ 7th st intersection of 29th- parked vehicles ( pickup trucks, suv) on
7th st n between 29th and 30th Ave -block sight/vision of approaching traffic from the North, just waiting
for accidents to occur.

Trips Diner causes parking issues pretty much 7 days per week. They have nowhere near enough parking
spaces in their small lot to accommodate the number of customers they serve.

Parking near intersection sometimes blocks view of traffic traveling down cross street.

Most concerned about folks speeding through the neighborhood (to avoid 22nd Ave and coming west on
24th at high rate of speed). I do sympathize with folks who live near Tripps, Trader Joe’s and other
businesses who are impacted with business parking.

Too many cars parking alongside the alley. Cars are not parking in driveway but parallel to their back
fence. With dumpsters in the alley, it makes it hard to pass.

Too many bar patrons park in parking stops for residents

Ridiculous and absurd that as a homeowner, I cannot park in front of or near my house some evenings
because of a nearby bar and the customers parking on the street.

AirBnB guests take up parking. Also neighbors who have a driveway should park on their driveway or
property if possible. Residents don’t have to pay but hanging tags are part of neighborhood association
membership. This would increase participation and revenue for the neighborhood association.

The only issue we’ve had is the Airbnb of 800 block of 23rd had a guest parking their boat on 8th Street
for a long period of time.

Trucks from contractors also add to the problem as they take valuable spots.

Parking from employees at nearby businesses and then they leave their trash in the road.

We live near Trader Joe’s and the parking situation is a nightmare. On top of never having a place to park
on the street their employees tailgate in their cars in front of and next to our homes creating a privacy

Currently I have not been affected but I see neighboring streets being encroached upon by people
catering to local businesses nearby.

Construction trailers parked for years on 8th street. These vehicles should be required to park elsewhere
– they are an eyesore and take up more than half the roadway. Several on 8th street permanently.
Speeding on the other hand concerns me. People are going too fast.

cars parked up on curb
cars parked in the wrong direction (against traffic)

Cars park completely down street and up to corner. No visibility when attempting left hand turn.
Dangerous! I’m speaking of turning onto 28th Ave from Haskell street.

At this point parking is ok, but when these new larger homes are completed, I believe there will be issues.
On 8th street especially, there seem to be a lot of trucks parking across from the residential parking during
the day, which really constricts traffic to one-way.

At intersections I can’t see past the parked cars when I’m driving. Cars park close to the intersections and
interfere with visibility

Two person household parks three cars on street yet they have available off alley space.
Car parked in front of my home for weeks without moving

There have been over a dozen businesses added to our area in the past 9 years, no additional parking
has been included.

Body electric goers, always taking up parking outside of our house.

Not a huge issue, but traffic lingers in front of Trips Diner so I always turn in on 25th Ave N instead of my
own street. Otherwise, no issues

At the end of the survey, respondents were asked to “Please list any other concerns here that may not be listed”. The following are the concerns/comments provided. All comments are included regardless of whether they are related to the survey or not.

People are always running stop signs. Every street should be a 4 way stop. Also, I feel if you have a
garage, carport or parking pad you should use it. Too many cars on street.

As density increases due to more garage apartments and townhomes being built, and as families with
teenagers start driving their own cars, there is often difficulty for my visitors when trying to locate parking.

I am not experiencing any problems with parking on my street.

Parking from Trips Diner is an issue on the weekend. But that’s city life

With all the large houses with garage apartments there is a concern for a much higher volume of residents
needing parking. Hopefully homes with garage apartments are required to have sufficient on property
parking spaces. As more businesses are building in the 30th Ave N area, the City should require sufficient
parking spaces for their customers, that does not negatively affect the neighborhood residents.

If the population density keeps increasing, as a result from previous city decisions and there are not
enough parking spots, I fear that we will end up having to implement overnight parking permits, and this
will be a hassle.

I know the closer you get to Trader Joe’s, the more congested the parking is. I’m sure that the nearby
houses are sick of it.

There isn’t enough room here to list all of our concerns. Essentially, over built, inadequate infrastructure,
very poor growth management, insufficient impact fees to developers, cost past on to the existing
residents that are being priced out.

Speeding down 8th street.

This sounds like a problem that would effect Old NE residents but not as big of a problem for the majority
of our neighborhood….except for maybe 23rd Avenue

This survey does not ask the right questions. My concerns regard workers blocking the alley. We park in
back. It would be a hassle if we had to find street parking. One of my neighbors had a friend’s car towed. It
was dark and raining and we didn’t see their driveway. Heck – I didn’t even realize that neighbors had
driveways in front. I guess it is a problem out front but I have a carport and space for two cars in the back.

Having lived in a neighborhood in LA with permit parking only prior to moving to St. Pete, it overall was
more of a hassle than anything else, and didn’t necessarily alleviate the many cars parked on the street.
While I park in a driveway here, there always appears to be available parking on the street, so I don’t see
a particular need for permits.

I have lived in area where parking permits are required. It’s not a pleasant way to live. Better for Trader
Joe’s to look for additional parking for employees (i.e. Mid Florida CU) Further, this is what the city is
creating with its push for additional living units on our lots.

Now that the city had voted to increase congestion in the corridors, and not disperse density units
throughout the city or the neighborhoods, they need to ensure there is reasonable and dedicated parking
access for the future (developer grab ) units that was just approve here recently. There is no intent from
developers to build affordable real estate here … Much less dedicated parking …And our council allowed
this to happen. I would have more faith on good intent if the density was dispersed to include every
council person’s neighborhood. Look at the real world parking issues that is already going on…

Speed bumps would be helpful and paving the alley so the kids can play.

People need to obey the parking signs and park on their alleys or in garages. Free up 29th Ave N for thru
traffic and those of us who live there and need to get out of the neighborhood.

I would not support a parking permit program anywhere.

I hope we could find a solution for those who live near the businesses that cause spillover parking on the
street without impacting all of us.

I’d rather have the city fix some the “buckling” bricks in the street along the curbs due to tree roots. Those
reek havoc on your tires.

Many people park in front of my house to visit nearby businesses. This results in some minor parking
congestion, but also a constant parade of people/cars in front of my house.

In some cases it is employees and their cars are there for most of the day.

It is not a major concern, but it would be if it gets worse (ie more business open nearby).

Neighborhood parking permits might help, but would also be a burden for guests.

When customers park out front, it’s usually just for an hour or two. But if employees park there, it can be
for the entire day, and then there’s no way to get it moved when lawn crews or tree trimmers or deliveries
or such show up. Thank you for considering.

Is there a way to get residential permits for certain blocks that need the help, or is it the whole
neighborhood or nothing?

I have a driveway and can park 6 cars but if I have guest they all can’t park there. Most of us do have rear
parking and in the evening there is parking available on the street.

I believe that parking on one side of the street should be enforced.

27th Ave has become a popular corridor to 4th street with increased speeds to and from.
It’s difficult to get in and out of the driveway because the cars line up and block your view of oncoming
traffic. We now have to back into our drive way to be able to drive out safely. I’m hesitant to support
residential parking permits until I know exactly how they will be applied. But for purposes of this survey I
say no

This is related to potential future parking issues: I am completely horrified and, honestly, mad, about the
recent change of zoning to parts of our neighborhood and other NT neighborhoods throughout St. Pete,
including part of my own block, to NTM1. In my opinion, this is nothing short of a tragic decision for St.
Pete, as it will erode the character, livability/quality of life and human-scale of our traditional
neighborhoods which are huge and vitally important aspect of the heart and soul of St. Pete. Parking is
one major concern with NTM1 zoning. Parking and traffic are going to be a problem on our narrow street
and alleys, and the Councilmembers, in the City Council meeting in which they horrifyingly voted for
NTM1, kept talking about how it is going to be fine because they are going to ensure that parking will be in
the alleys. That is NOT going to be fine. Anyway, my point is: I feel that what they have voted on thus far
is only the beginning of a bigger, phased plan they have to eventually make the NTM1 zoning extend
farther into the neighborhoods, such as Crescent Heights. At that point, parking is going to be a huge
issue. Right now, parking on my particular block is fine, and I feel that permits would be an unnecessary
hassle for both residents and visitors. I feel NTM zoning needs to be reversed and stopped, instead of
trying to come in behind it and issue parking permits.

More concerned about overgrown yards in the neighborhood and one house constantly displaying
controversial and divisive political opinions in their yard.

With the increase in ADU/multi dwelling permits being allowed, future concern is the alley between 29th
Ave and 30th. The 600 block is currently a “no thru way”, a home exist on 5th St. blocking thru traffic of
this alley. If the existing homes on the south side of 30th are demolished to build multi dwelling units this
will create a traffic hazard trying to safely maneuver cars in and out of this alley since parking on 30th Ave
is not allowed.

My street has parking only on the south side, so parking is already limited.

Most of the new homes all look the same.

We are required to maintain the areas between the sidewalk and curb and we spend a lot of money to do
it nicely. Then people are careless getting in & out of their cars and step on the nice plants we have
growing. Can’t win.

Traffic fast as some people cut between 4th & MLK. using street

I DO NOT want any new parking permits or any changes made in the entire neighborhood.

We have the older brick streets, and they work great as a natural traffic calming feature. When the water
department dug up the streets for the replacement PEX water supply lines, they did a horrible job
replacing and leveling the blocks again. The city needs to do some simple maintenance to preserve the
beauty of our brick streets.

I would prefer if you remove the concrete sections in the middle of the entrance on 7th St & 22nd Ave N
too. It causes more headaches than it’s worth, especially with a full-size truck or trailer. It’s supposed to be
a traffic calming device, although it’s at the very entrance/exit to the neighborhood where there have never
been issues with speeding. They are also an eye-sore and poorly maintained.

Speeding in the neighborhood. It is rampant.

Cars park too close to 4th street. Sometimes it is hard to see the traffic come down 4th St.

Thank for your interest.

More of a problem with business employees parking in alley of 23rd Street North preventing garbage
trucks from normal pickups during the day.

Not related to parking, but I am not a fan of employees of local businesses smoking in front of my house.

NO more speed bumps, please… or road barriers … or expanded curbs at the corners to give us less

Due to the bar J Wags being in close proximity, there are often empty bottles and trash thrown in my yard
from customers as they leave the area.

Most homes do not have driveways. If you have a party, where would people park if they don’t have

AirBnB, contractors cannot park in front of home. Use alley or side street not I front of home. Storage for
building materials should be on property only. Blocking of sidewalk access to my residence.

It never occurred to me that we would have to pay for a permit to park on the street in front of our house.
That is ridiculous. Why should homeowners on the street have to pay. It never occurred to me that we
would have to be concerned when family members come to visit and could not park in front of our house
because they do not have a permit or we do not have a permit for them. If this is indeed the situation, no

Contractors trucks.

Privacy issues.

I would like to make sure cars parked on the street are not left on the street without moving for no more
than 3-5 days. Some have grass growing under them as they have been there for months

Increased traffic due to new businesses coming into the area. I would support speed bumps. Also, alleys
are being used by commercial trucks and builders and because they are not paved, their heavy vehicles
erode the gravel and create holes. We would like to see the alleys paved to reduce the damage and the

Please do not let the house flippers and construction companies permanently park on our streets. They
are ruining the neighborhood in more ways than one.

Of much more of concern than parking is the speeding on our block. I have a hearing disability and it is
difficult to hear the fast-moving traffic coming when crossing the street to get to my car. Thank you for
exploring this topic and parking.

I’m concerned that residents between Fifth Street and Fourth Street impacted by businesses on Fourth
Street (especially Trader Joe’s and the new strip centers that replaced the Holiday), and who may have a
legitimate complaint about parking during business hours, may be pushing for permitting a neighborhoodwide
solution to a very isolated problem. This complicates both residential and guest parking for everyone
for no reason. Any drive down Seventh, or any avenue between Ninth and Fifth would reveal plenty of
available parking throughout Crescent Heights.

Given that business traffic is the (likely) concern prompting this survey, it makes more sense to have
permits for those flanking those businesses, and possibly to have the businesses themselves pay for
permits for residents. That said, since the businesses themselves do not have enough parking for both
staff and customers (given how little the city requires), permitting will make visiting those businesses a bit
of a nightmare. A solution might be to make one side of the streets between Fourth and Fifth permit-only,
and the other open to public parking.

Speeding on main roads and in alley

The planned down-zoning of our neighborhood will cause any existing problems to multiply…

Parking will remain an issue for some streets because businesses don’t have enough parking in their lots.

Requiring new multifamily dwellings to have off street parking and the surrounding business to be
developed with appropriate parking in place would be a better long term solution to controlling growth and
parking in our neighborhood. A permitting system does not solve the issue and would be impossible to
enforce in any meaningful way.

The destruction of the beautiful trees to me is a CRIME!!! New houses do NOT fit the quaintness of the
neighborhood!!!! Many of them are UGLY!

I am most concerned about abandoned cars that sit for months, years…weeds grow up. Tires flat. They
look terrible. Unlicensed cars should not be allowed to sit on the street

I’m more concerned about speeding cars on 22nd Av N through our crosswalk areas to the park. The
crossing lights work fine until they get plowed over, which has happened a number of times. I’d personally
like to see speed bumps of some sort that correspond with the cross walks over 22nd.

After the crosswalk was installed near Tripps at MLK I was hopeful that their customers would be
encouraged to park on the other side of MLK as well and use the crosswalk but that never seemed to
have happened from what I can tell. Possibly this is something that Trader Joe’s could also encourage of
their employees because there is a crosswalk nearby on fourth Street as well. it would seem the biggest
blocks with problems are near Trader Joe’s, and down the street from us with Tripps.

I think permit parking might be necessary for homes between 5th and 4th St N and 8th and 9th St N due to
how congested those areas are. It would probably be very bad for Tripps diner if permit parking was

Thanks for looking into this issue.

I’ve submitted a see click fix code violation where shrubbery is so overgrown you can’t see to drive thru
the intersection of 5th st and 24th Ave. Visibility and getting folks to stop at stop signs are important to me.

I have lived in an area in another state where residential street parking permits created a lot of
inconvenience for those visiting and made it more costly for residents. It is not too difficult to park a few
houses away from where you live and walk a bit – this is what many city dwellers get used to doing, and it
works just fine.

The parking isn’t as big of an issue as the trash that gets blown into our yard from the laundry mat and all
the cigarette butts that the pulm practice leaves in our yards.

I think we need to strike a balance – ensuring residents have access to parking near their homes (although
maybe not always directly in front of them), while also allowing natural parking for businesses nearby.
More parking lots on our business corridor are not necessary – street parking and walking are a natural
part of a vibrant urbanizing neighborhood.

Cars parked in the wrong direction. Is this allowed?

RESPONSE: No. According to Florida Statues Section 316, 195, vehicles must be parked in the
same direction as the direction of traffic.

Transplants that have permanently moved to the state yet have not registered their cars in the state.

[]…how long can someone park right in front of my house without moving?

RESPONSE: According to City Code Section 8-201 and 26-47, Any vehicle left unattended (i.e.
parked) in a street for more than 72 hours may be presumed to be abandoned and may be subject
to being towed. To report abandoned or inoperative vehicles, contact the police department nonemergency
number at 727-893-7780.

Major concerns are mostly on the weekend. We have 2 bars (J wags, Sesh) that bring a lot of drinking
drivers parking in our neighborhood, leaving beer cans / trash everywhere. I would be strongly in support
of at least weekend fri/sat restrictions to allow for residential parking + less bar drivers.

I don’t believe residents of these streets should pay for permits; they should be assigned per household. I
also think homeowners should be allowed guest passes for their guests to put on windshields.

Thanks for taking up this – when I was president of the CHNA this was a hot-button issue. My car was
once totaled by a drunk driver coming out of J wags, I had to take him out of his car to stop him from
hurting other people, so this is a personal issue for me. Hope to see it pass. – Thomas Paterek

No concerns about parking.

I don’t want parking enforcement in our neighborhood.