Upcoming Events

Porch Party at Erica and Bruce Allums’s House

780 25TH AVE, N 780 25th Ave N, ST. PETERSBURG, United States

Porch Party at Erica and Bruce Allums's House - Friday, March 15th, 2024 @7:00 pm Location:  780 25th Ave N - Bring a dish to share and BYOB

CHINA Neighborhood Yard Sale in partnership with Safe Paws Rescue

CHINA Neighborhood Yard Sale in partnership with Safe Paws Rescue, Saturday, March 23 from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. This is a neighborhood day where neighbors are encouraged to bring out their goods to sell. This event will be held in coordination with our neighbors to the North of 30th Ave - Five Points.

CHNA’s Easter Egg Hunt

Crescent Lake Park 22nd Ave N & 7th St N., St. Petersburg, United States

CHNA’s Easter Egg Hunt - Saturday, March 30 from 4 to 6 p.m. at Crescent Lake Park - 20th Ave. N. & Crescent Lake Dr. N. - Egg hunt, light snacks, crafts and a special appearance from the Easter Bunny.
Please deliver plastic eggs to 785 25th Ave. N. by Thursday, March 28.

CHNA Social at Golden Isles Brewery Co.

Golden Isles Brewery 3000 Dr. MLK Jr. ST. N., ST. PETERSBURG, FL, United States

Join your neighbors at this kid friendly venue where various beverages and food trucks are available.

CHNA June Membership Meeting

Blush Tea and Coffee 2382 Dr MLK Jr Street, St Petersburg, FL, United States

CHNA Neighborhood Meeting - Monday, June 3rd at 6:30 p.m. @ Blush Tea and Coffee: 2382 Dr. M.L.K. Jr. St. N.

727 Night with Crescent Heights Neighborhood Association

Al Lang Stadium 230 1st Street SE, St. Petersburg, FL, United States

Rowdies VS Charleston Battery Jul 27, 2024 - 7:30 PM EDT Join us for an unforgettable 727 Night celebration in St. Pete! Indulge in our 16 oz. beers, Viva Tequila Seltzers and burgers at only an exclusive $7.27 price. Don't miss out on this night of great food, drinks, and soccer. Get your tickets today! […]


CHNA Social at the Bier Boutique

CHNA Social at the Bier Boutique

Thursday, August 22nd from 5-7 PM
465 7th Ave N (across from Round lake) in the private room.
Run your own tab of great food and drink and enjoy some social time with your neighbors.

Events Committee Meetings

Events Committee meetings are the last Monday of every month beginning August 26th at 6:30 PM.
Email Amy at amyyoungs1981@yahoo.com for details.

Porch Party Sept 20th

Porch Party - Sept 20th at the home of Ziba Mohammidi